Wednesday 25 May 2011

The Many Faces of a Bucket Truck

For most people, Altec bucket trucks are recognized as the embodiment of electric company utility vehicles. It is such a common sight to see them parked beside utility poles with linemen working on electric lines or poles. The truth of the matter is that this aerial-lifting device is more than just an electric company utility vehicle. Any creative individual with one of these vehicles can make a living from it. With the right business strategy, these versatile vehicles can be quite a money-generating asset.

The money-making capability of a bucket truck is unquestionable. For their owners, it typically involves booking clients, getting to the proper location, operating the lift, and then receiving a fee for the services that were performed. The minimal charge for this type of usage is typically $250 dollars for just an hour of work.

There are numerous aerial jobs such as climbing ladders or using a rope and pulley that are very risky and require a great deal of physical effort. A bucket truck is much more convenient and far safer for workers to use to perform aerial jobs. These vehicles also allow for the faster completion of any task as compared to more traditional methods.

Many aerial jobs can be done more handily with this aerial device. Because of this, many bucket truck owners take advantage of such aerial jobs, especially those that are needed only on an occasional basis. Work like that is not conducive to purchasing a vehicle for such infrequent usage. Instead, the wiser choice is to rent a bucket whenever aerial work needs to be handled.

Jobs Requiring a Bucket Truck

So what jobs either require or can be simplified by using a bucket truck? These vehicles are used for so many different applications. Following is a list of just a few potential uses:

Tree Trimming- 

Trees require regular trimming particularly when they grow near power lines or buildings. Overgrown limbs can rub against buildings or power lines and cause problems from that action. On older trees, dead branches also need to be removed so they won't fall and damage anything or anyone below them

Street and Traffic Light Maintenance-

Work on street lights and traffic lights also require an aerial lift. Changing the light bulbs on an entire street could take forever even with a stand-alone aerial lift as relocation to every light would require a vehicle to move it. A bucket truck can provide a safe platform from which workers can perform their tasks without worrying about traffic on the street as they would be above all that activity.

Painting and Window Cleaning-

Painting the exterior of a building can be easily and safely accomplished with a bucket truck. Cleaning the exterior of windows by this means is actually a preferred way of completing such a task; it is safer and the job can be completed so much faster than other means of attempting this chore.
These are just a few of the many possible bucket truck applications. These vehicles have a long service life and are in constant demand for all these numerous aerial tasks. For anyone considering the purchase of one of these vehicles, it is a decision that will undoubtedly be a source of income for many years. All of this because of the many faces of a bucket truck - amazing!


  1. A bucket trucks, also known as a cherry picker, is a nice vehicle to work with. Operating this kind of truck as a job will help you generate decent cash. However, skill in driving and operating is necessary for this truck, and not all drivers possess this core competency. This is why it is important for a truck driver to know the basics first, because handling such a huge vehicle is different from handling a simple car.
    Humberto Decius

  2. Due to versatile nature of bucket trucks, it can be used in various functional areas. As they are spacious the operators and workers get more confident of security and safety working with bucket trucks. Nowadays, Bucket trucks are commonly used in nearly all the manufacture units, related to onsite work.
